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I am a specialist women's therapist providing a calm, non-judgemental, trauma-sensitive therapeutic space. 

For thousands of years Massage has been used by most cultures all around the world.  Whether to relieve the pain of extremely tense or overworked muscles, to relieve stress or anxiety, or simply as a relaxing pampering treatment, the overall action of massage is to soften muscles and connective tissue, easing out tension in the body and thus aiding relaxation and reducing stress.


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How does it work?

Massage acts to increase blood-flow to the massaged areas, this helps the body’s own healing actions, as well as generally aiding the circulatory system.  In this way massage can help speed up the healing process in muscular injuries.


Massage can help with symptoms of stress and anxiety and people often find they sleep better afterwards.


Massage may be accompanied by aromatherapy - and reflexology, providing an individually tailored treatment, working on multiple levels to deeply relax, nurture, ground and heal.

An holistic approach

Holistic Massage treats you, the client, as a whole. Time for a proper consultation allows you to feel safe and relaxed in discussing your reason for seeking treatment and ensures that each treatment is uniquely tailored to your individual needs on the day.


Crisis Sessions

I understand that circumstances- whether built-up or sudden - can provoke strong physical and psychological responses leading to sudden anxiety and overwhelm. This can be frightening and destabilizing. This is why I offer 1.5/2 hr ‘crisis’ sessions - starting with a longer consultation in which you can express your current experiences and in which together we can decide on the best approach for your session- which may include some guided mindfulness together with aromatherapy, reflexology, massage - according to your needs and preferences on the day. These sessions aim to understand and dull the fight or flight response, reactivate the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to soothe, calm and ground. The aim is also to give you tools to use at home - including a recording of any guided mindfulness exercises used during the session, which can be listened to whenever you choose. This can help daily relaxation practice, and also potentially used at night if sleep is an issue. Because sometimes it can really help to simply remember how it feels to be relaxed.

These sessions can either be one-offs or a series – depending on your needs.

A kind note: Crisis sessions are intended for people experiencing an emotional shock/crisis/anxiety spike/overwhelm. these are not full, or in-depth counselling sessions and are not intended as an alternative where emergency medical or mental health intervention or support is needed.


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