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Booking, Contact, Prices, Options, 


 I am a specialist women's therapist providing a calm, non-judgemental, trauma-sensitive therapeutic space. 

In-person appointments can be made using the online booking system. If you are a new counselling client, and if booking online,  I invite you to email me with a very brief outline of your reason for seeking counselling. This is in order that we can both we sure that I would be the best therapist for you.​


Online appointments and home visits initially need to be arranged with me personally.


I aim to respond to daytime enquiries straight away where possible, and otherwise within an hour or so  -  and night-time enquiries, by 9 AM the following day.


To book instantly online, you can click on the 'Book Online' button. If you experience any issues, please feel free to text me on 07737117393 and I will personally book it for you.


For same-day and next-day booking, if no appointments are offered through the online system, please contact me on 07737117393 and I will do my best to accommodate you.


To book with me directly, or to ask a question or request a brief phone chat to discuss treatment options, you are welcome to text or ring me on 07737117393 (8am-8pm). Alternatively you can follow the facebook link by clicking on the icon and contact me through facebook messenger, or if you prefer email, you can reach me at 


Home visits for Reflexology, and Head Massage - and for Counseling and Mindfulness in some circumstances are available at no extra charge if you live within a 3 mile radius of Penarth. Home visits to locations outside this area are charged at an extra £15 to cover petrol and travel time. 


General price guide


1 hr £45-£50, 1.5 hrs £65-£70, 2 hrs £80 - £90  







Prices for Counselling, Mindfulness, Combined Sessions, Talking Therapy-based Crisis Sessions 


Single Session

1 hr £50

1.5 hr £70

2 hr £90

Concession: £45/65/85

​Block of 8 weekly sessions: 

8th session reduced to £10 = £45/session

Concession: 8th session reduced to 5 = £40/session



Counselling & Mindfulness combined

Single Session

1 hr £50

1.5 hr  £70

2 hr £90

Concession: £45/70/90

Block 8 weekly sessions:

Reductions available

Crisis Sessions

1.5 hr £70

2 hr £90



Single Session

1.5 hrs £70

2 hrs £90


8 week course 8th session reductions available  â€‹


Mindfulness & Reflexology & Aromatherapy 

1.5 hr £70

2   hr £90

8 week course 8th session reductions available



Prices for Reflexology, Massage, Head Massage, Aromatherapy, & Combined Reflexology & Mindfulness, Holistic Therapy- based Crisis Sessions 
1 hr  Reflexology (with Aromatherapy)  £45
Block of 8 prebooked weekly sessions with final session reduced to £25

1 hr  Massage with Aromatherapy   £50

Combined Massage/Head Massage/Reflexology
1 Hr £50
1.5 hr £65
2 hr £80

Holistic Therapy Crisis Session
For sudden shock/ anxiety/insomnia spike/overwhelm
1.5 hr  £70
2   hr    £90

Conception and Pregnancy Support 
Reflexology for conception support
1 hr £45
Block of 8 weekly pre-booked sessions with final session reduced to £25

Reflexology to support pregnancy and labour preparation
1 hr £45
Block of
 8 weekly pre-booked sessions with final session reduced to £25

Reflexology with guided mindfulness-based stress reduction/CBT 
A session combining 1 hr reflexology with 30 mins guided mindfulness stress reduction/CBT with recording for home use -useful at any time of pregnancy, conception, labour preparation and post-birth for those experiencing stress, anxiety, overwhelm or just as a supportive, nurturing, relaxing addition to your journey.
1.5 hrs £70
2  hrs  £90

​Expectant mum pregnancy pamper session
Single or combination treatment including massage / head massage / reflexology / aromatherapy
1 hr £50
1.5 hr £65
2 hr £80

​Personally created Blend for home use in 5 ml bottle £20 
More Detailed information about treatments 
1 hr Counselling Session £40-50
A counseling session may include elements of CBT and/or Humanistic Counselling and/or mindfulness - according to your individual needs. More detailed information can be found on the counselling page
*Counselling & Mindfulness combined 1.5 hr £70
 A 1 hr counselling session followed by 30 mins mindfulness relaxation / grounding / meditation techniques.
These sessions aims to provide coping tools for anxious, stressed, worried clients - including those who are wary of beginning the counselling process due to fears of not being able to cope with what might come up. A 30 min mindfulness session can be a means of regrouping, regrounding, gathering yourself before leaving the counselling space. It can also provide an extra layer of confidence and support in teaching you coping skills to practice and use regularly at home. After each counselling session you will experience a different meditation - starting with simple, easy relaxing techniques, we will progress to different exercises and meditations which we can record in-session for your home use. Exercises include guided relaxation, staying grounded despite what is happening in life, noticing difficult thoughts and feelings without getting upset or anxious  ... amongst many more. You will then always have these skills - recordings to refer back to and use at any time in your life.
**Crisis Session 1.5 £70 / 2hrs £90
 Session for people experiencing an emotional shock/crisis/anxiety spike/overwhelm.
Session may be either a combined counseling/CBT/mindfulness session OR an in-depth consultation regarding your issue which may include CBT techniques to help uncover the root causes. We will then use this information to help ascertain the best treatment, coping and management strategies which may include mindfulness, reflexology, aromatherapy, massage. Any guided mindfulness meditations/relaxations will be recorded so that you can use these at home to practice relaxation, grounding, meditation - these recordings can also be used at bedtime to aid sleep.You will then always have these skills - recordings to refer back to and use at any time in your life.
This may be a one-off session, or series of sessions according to your requirements.
Kind note: crisis sessions are not intended as an alternative where emergency medical or mental health intervention or support is needed.
***Mindfulness Now Course Session 1.5 hrs £70  (£500 if all sessions paid in advance)
Mindfulness Now is approved by the British Psychological Society. It is a blend of Mindfulness - Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based CBT and because it is taught in person and one-to-one, is flexible to your individual needs.
Each session you will experience and a different meditation - starting with simple, easy relaxing techniques, we will progress to different exercises and meditations which we can record in-session for your home use. Exercises and meditations include brief grounding techniques you can use at any time of the day in any circumstances, guided relaxation, staying grounded despite what is happening in your life, learning to be more present in the moment rather than worrying about past or future events, learning self acceptance and self- compassion, noticing difficult thoughts and feelings without getting upset or anxious  ... noticing the positives as well as the negatives ... amongst many more. Each session allows time for reflection and discussion - unlike a group setting, these can be more in-depth and personal to your individual circumstances, unlike an app, you are in the room with a qualified, experienced teacher and therapist who can hold a therapeutic space in which you can learn, safely explore, and grow. This course is a very gentle journey - but that doesn't mean that it can't lead to deep realisation and transformation! 
Each week you are provided with recorded guided meditations to listen to and use to support your home practice. You may find these particularly useful and soothing to listen to if you have been going through a period of chronic stress, panic, or anxiety. A few of them you may also find particularly help you to fall asleep if that is an issue for you. This course involves the suggestion that you give yourself a certain level of commitment to practicing mindfulness meditations, exercises - and ways of being - on a daily basis; whilst this isn't absolutely compulsory, the evidence shows that the more you do this, the more you're likely to get out of it. When the course finishes, you will always have these skills - and the recordings - to refer back to and use at any time in your life.
****1.5 hr Reflexology plus Mindfulness (with Aromatherapy)  For Women (LGTBQ inc) £70 
A 30 min mindfulness session followed by an hour reflexology treatment.
A 30 min mindfulness session can be a means of regrouping, regrounding, gathering yourself before a relaxing reflexology session. It can also provide an extra layer of confidence and support in teaching you coping skills to practice and use regularly at home. Before each refelxology session you will experience a different meditation - starting with simple, easy relaxing techniques, we will progress to different exercises and meditations which we can record in-session for your home use. Exercises include guided relaxation, staying grounded despite what is happening in life, noticing difficult thoughts and feelings without getting upset or anxious  ... amongst many more. You will then always have these skills - recordings to refer back to and use at any time in your life.
Pregnancy Pamper Sessions
Expectant mum pregnancy pamper session with choice of any single treatment or combination of treatments choosing from massage + head massage + reflexology + aromatherapy to ease away the stresses and tensions: A proper dose of me-time to ground, soothe and bring you back to yourself. Essential self-care for all expectant mums, this treatment will be uniquely tailored to individual needs.  My training means that I am a safe pair of hands for ANY stage of pregnancy. As an experienced counsellor, mindfulness teacher (and mother of a grown up daughter), I'm also experienced in holding a safe non-judgemental space for anyone feeling overwhelmed or stressed during any stage of pregnancy.
****Personally created Blend for home use in 5 ml bottle £20
This is a bottle containing the same blend used in your treatment for regular home use – either in the bath, on your pillow at night, or anywhere you might find it beneficial. This should last about a month using a couple of drops a day. This may also be beneficial if you are intending to have a series of regular treatments to address tension, stress or anxiety related issues – as research has shown that we can build up an association between a particular aroma and a sense of relaxation, so that on inhalation, the smell evokes a relaxation response. More detailed information on this can be found on the Stress, Mental Health, Inflammation and Illness page of my website. This aromatherapy blend can also be supplied as a meditation support – and as an aid in the development of a regular mindfulness practice.


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