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I am a specialist women's therapist providing a calm, non-judgemental, trauma-sensitive therapeutic space. 


An Ancient Therapy 

Various forms of foot therapy appear to have been practised in the ancient world- the earliest being in Ancient China 4000 years ago. There is also evidence that foot therapy was practices by Native Americans, and in Ancient Egypt.  This picture is from the physician’s tomb, Saqqara, Egypt. 2,500 BC.



What does it feel like?

Reflexology is an intensely relaxing treatment that feels a lot like a precise foot massage.

Reflexology works on the theory that certain points on the feet correspond to areas and organs of the body. By pressing and thus stimulating these areas on the feet (or hands), reflexology can stimulate blood flow to organs and parts of the body to encourage balance and healing.

During the in-depth consultation prior to beginning your treatment, we will consider the different aspects effecting your physical, mental and spiritual health. You will choose a unique blend of essential oils to inhale during your session - to support you and enhance your experience. The inhalation pad is then taken home with you to for home use. This aroma should last for several days- evoking the same relaxation response that you experienced during your session and thus prolonging the effects.

My reflexology sessions all begin with a wrapping of the feet in hot steamed towels. People have practised ritual cleansing of the feet for thousands of years and I feel this an intrinsic aspect of the treatment that purifies, nurtures, warms, softens, and relaxes the feet, creating a sense of calm receptivity for your treatment. I work precisely, using energy work and aromatherapy to enhance the depth and lasting impact of your treatment.  


The aim is to provide the ideal environment for healing, optimum health and general wellbeing.


Reflexology is used within the NHS in maternity and cancer care, and there is a growing body of clinical evidence for its effectiveness for stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, pregnancy, menopause symptoms, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's/Dementia and care for the elderly. Reflexology is very popular with clients during pregnancy, conception and menstrual/hormone related issues. Reflexology helps stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, reduce those panicky fight or flight symptoms, and help encourage a sense of deep relaxation.


 See below for more information and links to the growing body of reflexology research.


Potential Benefits of Reflexology


Reflexology for stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia 

Many of my clients find reflexology benefits thier mental health. A recent study published in the journal of evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine found  


'foot reflexology may be recommended as a complementary intervention to improve our depression, anxiety, and sleep quality.'


You can read more about the research here:


Crisis Sessions

I understand that circumstances- whether built-up or sudden - can provoke strong physical and psychological responses leading to sudden anxiety and overwhelm. This can be frightening and destabilizing. This is why I offer 1.5/2 hr ‘crisis’ sessions - starting with a longer consultation in which you can express your current experiences and in which together we can decide on the best approach for your session- which may include some guided mindfulness together with aromatherapy, reflexology, massage - according to your needs and preferences on the day. These sessions aim to understand and dull the fight or flight response, reactivate the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to soothe, calm and ground. The aim is also to give you tools to use at home - including a recording of any guided mindfulness exercises used during the session, which can be listened to whenever you choose. This can help daily relaxation practice, and also potentially used at night if sleep is an issue. Because sometimes it can really help to simply remember how it feels to be relaxed.

These sessions can either be one-offs or a series – depending on your needs.

A kind note: Crisis sessions are intended for people experiencing an emotional shock/crisis/anxiety spike/overwhelm. these are not full, or in-depth counselling sessions and are not intended as an alternative where emergency medical or mental health intervention or support is needed.


Supporting you in conception and pregnancy  

I have undertaken additional training in reflexology for pregnancy and conception, in order to create treatment plans that are right for you at all stages of your cycle when trying to conceive, aswell as supporting you safely throughout your pregnancy and beyond. This can be a tumultuous time - whether we planned to get pregnant or not, ambivalent , or conflicting thoughts and feelings may emerge. Many women go through this alone because some things may seem difficult to discuss - even with close loved ones. I am a qualified counsellor and mindfulness teacher and offer a confidential, supportive space in which you may express and explore your thoughts, feelings and experiences. I offer sessions combining Reflexology with mindfulness-based CBT. These sessions aim to help soothe, calm and ground you, teaching you relaxation and mindfulness techniques and providing recordings of these for home use.


Reflexology for Pregnancy

Reflexology may be a  beneficial therapy in supporting you through all stages of your conception and pregnancy journey. A recent (2024) analysis of the evidence, published in the scientific journal Nature found:


' ... foot reflexology massage is effective for pregnant women in relieving anxiety, reducing pain, shortening all the three stages of labor, and regulating respiration and pulse to stabilize their vital signs. Therefore, we are recommending the use of foot reflexology massage for prenatal and postnatal clinical care to promote the birthing experience for pregnant women.'


You can read more about the research here:


Reflexology for Fertility

Many fertility clinics recommend reflexology as part of your conception journey. Anecdotally many people feel reflexology has helped them conceive. However, it is important for reflexologists to act ethically when speaking with clients who are often desperate to have a baby, and not to make promises. There is so far no firm clinical evidence that reflexology can directly cause conception. However, it is thought that stress can be a barrier to conceiving - and for some people, the struggle to conceive can become all-consuming, causing an unhelpful feedback loop of stress. Reflexology has been shown to reduce stress levels, and it is for this reason that it is often recommended as a fertility aid. In addition, many people find that having the emotional support of a therapist - someone who is outside of family and friends - to be very helpful in maintaining their wellbeing. As a highly qualified and  experienced complementary therapist, counsellor and mindfulness teacher, who specialises in treating women, I offer a very human, supportive space at a time when women can often feel vulnerable, over-medicalised,  and overwhelmed.


Combined Reflexology with Mindfulness-based CBT for fertility support

Mindfulness combined with CBT (Cognitivie Behaviour Therapy) courses - called MBCT for short- have been found effective in improving pregnancy rates by up to 55%. This is why I offer treatments that include a combination of reflexology with mindfulness-based CBT. These sessions support both your physical and mental health, teaching you progressive relaxation and mindfulness exercises with recordings to use daily at home- together with some CBT elements to help you address unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that may be effecting your mood.

This is also a totally confidential, supportive and non-judgemental space for you to speak freely and explore your feelings. You can read more about the research here:


Reflexology for menopause


Reflexology has been studied repeatedly and found beneficial for helping symptoms during all stages of menopause. For example a recent 2022 study published in the Journal of The Menopause Society found that


 ' foot massage applied during menopause increases the average daily sleep duration (hours) and reduces women's fatigue and anxiety levels.'


You can read more about the research here:


Reflexology with Mindfulness-based CBT for menopause

In the past few years there has been growing  research showing that Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT), Mindfulness Based Interventions (MBI), and mindfulness based CBT (MBCT) can significantly improve menopausal symptoms including night sweats, anxiety and depression, and improved overall quality of life. For this reason, and because many clients find reflexology useful during menopause, as is reflected in the research mentioned above, I offer  combined reflexology and MBCT sessions. This is for women who are using HRT but still getting symptoms, and for those who are not using HRT- either by choice or for health reasons. 

You can read more about the research here:  and here:


Reflexology for people living with cancer 

If you are living with cancer, reflexology, massage and aromatherapy  may be suggested as useful therapies in managing nausea, pain perception, mental health concerns and quality of life. Reflexology is often used within the NHS to help control the side effects of chemotherapy and is also used in palliative care settings. You can read more about the research here:


Reflexology for lymphoedema


 Clinical trials have found positive results for Reflexology as a treatment for lymphoedema following mastectomy. This protocol was developed by Sally KAy, with whom whom I have trained. The research can be read here:


Reflexology for Multiple Sclerosis

I regularly work with clients with Ms amongst many chronic conditions. Chronis illness can leave us feeling  over-medicalised, our bodies feeling invaded; sometimes even thinking about our bodies - and  health - can make us feel stressed and out of control. Reflexology - and massage and aromatherapy, can help connect you positively with your body once more.

A 2023 study published in the journal Medicine found: 


 'reflexology therapy for patients with multiple sclerosis can improve pain, fatigue, and quality of life. It can be used as an effective intervention to effectively treat the pain and fatigue of MS patients and improve the quality of life of MS patients.'


The research article referred to can be read here:,of%20life%20of%20MS%20patients.


Reflexology for the elderly and Alzheimer's/Dementia

I regularly work with clients with Dementia and their carers -taking treatments into private homes and care homes. I sometimes use mindfulness in conjunction with reflexology - aswell as aromatherapy - as I find that these therapies can really soothe clients, as they eliminate memory concerns and anxieties by bringing the client fully into the present moment- in which they are enjoying a calming, nurturing treatment. The power of touch feels very tangible in these moments and it is always a particular privilege for me to be able to work in this way.

read more about reflexology and care for the elderly, Alzheimers/Dementia here:







My Training

I graduated with first class honors in the BSc Complementary Therapies Degree at CMET I also won the prize 

for my dissertation - a pilot study. During the degree we undertook much extra training with Judith Whatley. During the degree program I undertook the qualification with The Association of Reflexologists is the foremost training body in the UK, running courses at the highest possible level across the UK including as part of BSc University programs (1). I have undertaken extra training in Pregnancy and Conception Reflexology, and also trained with Sally Kay in Reflexology Lymph Drainage. For more information about my training please see the 'About me' section of the home page.



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